A criminal defense team who knows the law
is the first step to fighting back against DUI Charges
A criminal defense team who knows the law is the first step to fighting back against DUI Charges
A criminal defense team who knows the law

Fight Your Traffic Ticket With A Former Prosecutor

If you live on Oahu and you face serious traffic offenses, you can turn to Law Office of Brian S. Kim for experienced defense. Our team of traffic violations lawyers in Hawaii has more than 15 collective years of experience representing clients facing drunk driving charges and other criminal offenses. They can defend you against any traffic violation in Hawaii, including:

Founding attorney Brian S. Kim is a former deputy prosecuting attorney for Honolulu. He understands how the other side will view your traffic case and can use that experience to challenge the evidence against you.

Honolulu Traffic Violations Could Be More Serious Than You Think

People often view traffic tickets as a minor inconvenience. This is far from the truth. If you receive a citation for a traffic violation, consider how fast the following costs could add up:

  • The amount of the fine (several hundred dollars in some cases)
  • Increased insurance rates
  • Points against your driver’s license
  • Suspension or revocation of your license
  • Missed time from work to attend traffic court
  • Taxis or rideshares if you can no longer drive

The good news is that you don’t have to accept your ticket, no matter how severe the charge, without putting up a defense. Our criminal defense lawyers regularly negotiate plea bargains and get clients’ traffic violations dismissed or reduced. Often, they can appear in traffic court on your behalf, sparing you the time and expense of appearing yourself. They are here to provide the skilled and effective representation you need in court and other proceedings.

Frequently Asked Questions About Traffic Citations In Hawaii

Clients of the Law Office of Brian S. Kim are naturally concerned about their driving privileges and the potential outcomes of their cases. Below are answers to some of the most frequently asked questions at our firm.

What penalties could I face for speeding in Hawaii?

Speeding is treated as a very serious offense in this state. You can be ticketed for going even one mile per hour over the speed limit, and fines vary. However, if you are caught going more than 30 mph over the posted speed limit or 80 mph or faster on any road, you may be charged with “excessive speeding.” Even a first-time offense can cost you between $1,000 plus a mandatory 36 hours of community service or up to five days in jail and a 30-day license suspension.

Will I lose my driver’s license if I get too many speeding tickets in Oahu?

Hawaii does not use a “point” system like many other states. Every speeding infraction will be added to your record, and your driver’s license can be suspended if you have too many repeat offenses.

What exactly is ‘reckless driving’ in Hawaii? What are some examples?

Reckless driving is typically defined as operating a vehicle in such a way that disregard for the safety of others seems intentional or reckless. It’s a serious driving offense and can include things like:

  • Excessive speeding
  • Aggressive driving
  • Running lights or stop signs
  • Overtaking other drivers where visibility is limited
  • Distracted driving
  • Evading law enforcement

It is a somewhat vaguely defined offense, which is why defenses often focus on the interpretation of events and the specific circumstances.

Do I really need a lawyer for a traffic ticket? Shouldn’t I just pay the fine?

You really do need an attorney. Paying the fine means accepting the charges, and that could lead to future problems if you are charged with an additional offense.

Contact A Traffic Defense Attorney For A Free Consultation

Law Office of Brian S. Kim is a trusted source of traffic court representation for people in Honolulu and throughout the surrounding areas. To arrange a free initial consultation with an experienced traffic defense attorney in Honolulu, contact our law firm online or by telephone at 808-796-5735.